Status of Registry Data

As of November 3, 2021 the Registry has processed production history and reserves data for 14,138 oil and gas assets from 139 countries, creating 450,000 records from about five billion raw data points.

Country Level Data

Three global sources have been used to compile production and reserves data for oil and gas producing countries: the BP Global Statistical Analysis (BP), data held by the Energy Information Administration, an agency in the United States Federal Statistical System (EIA), and the database of the Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (OPEC). Where national regulator datasets are available, they are used in addition.

The time series for the global sources are as follows:

  • BP: oil (1965-2020), gas (1970-2020), coal (1981-2020)
  • EIA: oil (1965-2020), gas (1970-2020), coal (1981-2020)
  • OPEC: oil (1960-2019), gas (1960-2019).

Project-Level Data by Jurisdiction